BMW i7, the world’s first electrified luxury sedan, has tested its drive and suspension systems at Arjeplog Sweeden. At this destination, the BMW Group’s winter test centre is located. The German luxury carmaker is undertaking these tests to ensure that they push forward rapidly with their plan to move towards electric mobility. According to the Munich based automobile brand, by 2022, they should be ready to release the BMW i7. Currently, this vehicle is undergoing what is known as ‘Driving Dynamics Testing’ in a test centre situated near the Arctic Circle. To know more about the BMW i7 and its endurance testing, MWTV presents this article to you.
Intensive testing of the suspension and driving dynamics of BMW i7:
The suspension and driving dynamics of BMWi7 and future vehicles belonging to the BMW 7 series has been specifically designed to take the balance between sporty appearance and drive comfort up the next level. These automobiles are put through performance-oriented tuning of springs, wheel suspensions, various regulating systems and dampers. Mainly to get them to match with the different drive types. They also have to undergo intensive testing under extreme weather conditions to test the overall quality of its suspension and driving dynamics.
Arjeplog Sweeden and its extreme climate perfect for testing the BMW i7:
At Arjeplog Sweeden, the winter test centre of the BMW Group, the engineers have found the perfect preconditions for testing the BMW i7. The test drive undertaken mainly around snow-clad roads includes testing and optimising all functions under incredibly challenging conditions. It is mainly done to help achieve a wholly pleasant and typical BMW driving experience. Regarding fine-tuning of suspension control systems, testing is carried out on frozen lakes and comprises low road friction. Furthermore, a thorough check-up of the steering application is also carried out in the form of fine-tuning. Finally, the Dynamic Stability Control System (DSC) gets a working over during the testing process undertaken in the ice and snow.
The winter testing program of BMW i17 and its focus on the all-electric drive system:
During the winter testing of the BMW i17, all the components of the BMW i17, which includes high voltage batteries, power electronics, and charging technology, are checked for their sustainability under harsh conditions. Above all, the final result of the testing concludes that the motor, battery, and temperature control BMW i17 possess the quality required to tolerate intolerable sub-zero temperatures experienced in the north of Sweden.
With ongoing testing of the BMW i17, the brand is looking to progressively make a mark in the luxury car segment by taking innovation to the next level.
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